What To Wear While Playing Volleyball?
Volleyball is a sport that will have you hooked within minutes of playing. Whether it is beach volleyball, indoor volleyball or recreational volleyball, there's a spot for everyone when it comes to this sport. As you're running around hitting the ball, you're also getting an excellent workout. The kind of sportswear you're supposed to wear for volleyball depends on where you play.
The right sportswear for volleyball
Volleyball can be played in various locations. All have the same basic rules with a little difference here and there. The clothing for each also differs for all types of the game.
1.Indoor Volleyball
Regular indoor volleyball when played competitively players usually wear jerseys that have the players’ name and number. Women wear T-shirt style jerseys with tight spandex shorts. Men, on the other hand, wear sleeveless jersey tops.
2.Beach Volleyball
Competitive beach volleyball players wear what people wear to beaches. Bathing suits are the preferred uniforms. Women will be seen in two-piece or one-piece swim sets. Men will often be seen in shorts and tank tops that are matching with their teams. In beach volleyball players are barefoot unless the referee specifies due to hot sand.
3.Recreational Volleyball
This volleyball has no hard and fast set rules.There's no official uniform to play volleyball either indoors or outdoors. You have to wear clothing that does not interfere with your body movements. Teams jerseys and spandex